Thursday, February 18, 2010

Working together for peace

A group of Jews and Muslims are meeting on a monthly basis in LA, CA to build bridges of understanding and peace. They believe that "an enemy is one whose a story we have not heard". They introduce themselves by saying: We are Muslims and Jews who want to hear each other's stories. We are Arabs, Israelis, Americans, and people from other parts of the world who want to listen and learn about the "others". We don't talk about politics. We don't discuss who is at fault or where borders should be drawn. We simply tell our stories, one at each meeting.And we listen. With our hearts as well as our ears. We listen because we believe that when we hear "their" stories - when we learn what they've experienced and why they believe what they do - then we can see them as fellow human beings deserving of the same respect and security we wish for ourselves.

To read more about them, please visit their website @

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