Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Inspiring Africans

In 2009, the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue of San Mateo, Calif. -- a handful of U.S. residents -- air-mailed to Nigeria 60 gift sets of its how-to, inspirational documentary DVDs for attendees in Africa at the October INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON YOUTH AND INTERFAITH COMMUNICATION: Building Bridges through Interfaith Dialogue and Citizen-to-Citizen Collaboration --
The grassroots videos were DIALOGUE AT WASHINGTON HIGH, and PEACEMAKERS: Palestinians & Jews Together at Camp -- .

On February 2010 -- across the ocean and many time zones -- a new era of interfaith Dialogue began across old lines -- bridging chasms, closing distances, dignifying Nigeria and all of us.
SEE PHOTOS at: Nigeria 2010: New Interfaith Dialogue February, 2010


Sunday, February 21, 2010

News from Israel

On March 26th The Future Interfaith Encounter group of mothers and daughters had its encounter on the theme of El-Umra (visit to Mecca not during the Hajj time).
Since some of the Muslim mothers were planning to go to Saudi Arabia to fulfill the Umra – we decided to dedicate the encounter to that theme. The Muslim mothers began by explaining about this commandment while the Muslim daughters performed a play in which they presented the different stages of the Umra pilgrimage to Mecca and what is said in each stage.
The girls dressed with dresses and head coverings and prepared a model of the Kaaba. In this way the mothers together with the daughters managed to give a clear explanation of the theme. Then we had a conversation and also some questions of clarification.
Finally we divided the girls into groups who played different games together. As usual, the games included use of the two languages in order to improve communication between the girls. The encounter was accompanied by refreshments and was very interesting.

Source: Interfaith Encounter Association

It happened in LA

A paraplegic Egyptian man (who I believe was a teacher, just laid off of his job) had his van first break down and then burst into flames. Just in the nick of time, some fellow motorists who saw the fire, freed him from the van before he got hurt, saving his life. This happened on the 91 Freeway.

Source: Michael Tobocman

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Working together for peace

A group of Jews and Muslims are meeting on a monthly basis in LA, CA to build bridges of understanding and peace. They believe that "an enemy is one whose a story we have not heard". They introduce themselves by saying: We are Muslims and Jews who want to hear each other's stories. We are Arabs, Israelis, Americans, and people from other parts of the world who want to listen and learn about the "others". We don't talk about politics. We don't discuss who is at fault or where borders should be drawn. We simply tell our stories, one at each meeting.And we listen. With our hearts as well as our ears. We listen because we believe that when we hear "their" stories - when we learn what they've experienced and why they believe what they do - then we can see them as fellow human beings deserving of the same respect and security we wish for ourselves.

To read more about them, please visit their website @

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Argentinian Man saves a van and a train

An Argentinian man has become a hero after pushing a stalled van out of the way of an oncoming train. Watch the video on

Monday, February 15, 2010


Why did I start this blog?

Every day I listen to news on the radio, I watch it on TV, and I read it on the Internet. Every day I learn something new; however, it's always bad, sometimes even very bad ... wars, poverty, natural disasters, economic crises, the murder of innocent people, crime, rape, etc.
I always ask myself "why is it constantly bad news? why do not the media focus on good news as much as they do on bad news?" I tried several times to contact the media and invite them to come and write/talk about some Jews and Muslims who are getting together on a monthly basis in order to build bridges of peace and understanding; however, they never responded or they did but they were not interested. I asked myself "If I told the media about a group of terrorists who are meeting every month, would they ignore me?" I don't think so. The media has gotten used to reporting bad news and we are used to watching it. So all the good things that are going on in this world and all the good people who are working tirelessly and honestly for peace or justice or whatever, there is no one to hear and to write about them ... WOW!!
So, I decided to start my blog and call it "Good News ... ONLY" It's where I get the chance to let everyone know about the good people and good things that are going on in our world. I also felt that I've got to do this in order to give people, and I'm one of them, some positive perspective about our planet, as well as hope for a better tomorrow. I began thinking and saying to myself "Imagine if you get up in the morning and go online to read good news about a person who saved a train from an accident, or another one who donated his kidney to someone he does not know, or a group of people who are dreaming about a better future and working hard to make peace between two other groups" "Imagine reading all of that, and even more, before you leave your home to go to work or to school or just to walk ... or even if you are not leaving your home. Imagine how your day will be, and what kind of energy you will have during this day. Imagine how this might touch you and encourage you to join and do something good, too.