Monday, May 31, 2010

Painting For Peace

On April 25th, PeaceMakers from area mosques, synagogues, and churches broke the myth that Muslim, Jew, Christian and others can not work together for peace."This myth, that we fight and always have been fighting, is historically false," says organizer Bruce Barrett. "We paint these signs before you today as a public demonstration of our commitment to peace, health, and justice for the Israeli and Palestinian people," declares the group. Popular media and bad preaching told us that our faith traditions have nothing in common; and yet here we are, painting and working together for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine.

To read the full story, please go to:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ag Against Hunger

Ag Against Hunger was founded to provide hungry people with nutritious, fresh, surplus produce from local fields. Ag Against Hunger's mission is to alleviate hunger by providing the necessary link between the agricultural community and food assistance organizations. In the 20 years since its inception Ag Against Hunger has provided over 160 million pounds of fresh produce to people in need throughout California and the West Coast.

To read more about AG Against Hunger, please visit their website @